“Birbiglia took his sleepwalking woes and made a hit one-man Off-Broadway show about it called Sleepwalk With Me. Shortly after, he made a live stand-up record and wrote a book of the same name. His sh*t luck was good luck, and the continued success of this act pushed him to make a feature about it called -- you guessed it -- Sleepwalk With Me.”
Distributed by IFC Films (2012)
Released by Comedy Central Records (2011)
“The main story here is Birbiglia’s problem with sleepwalking, a problem which has put him in the hospital a couple times, once because of a tumble out a hotel window which is covered in the closing piece ‘The Missile.’ Since this is Birbiglia, that’s the funny part, and every broken bone or odd occurrence are told in that Steven Wright-in-cute-pajamas style that has earned the man a loyal, laughing following. But now, there’s a trick. What makes Sleepwalk meatier than the everyday comedy album are the underlying issues that cause such funny trauma.”
Published by Simon & Schuster (2010)
“Mike Birbiglia was always a very funny guy who told stories onstage. But it's been inspiring to see the stories get bigger and more complicated and emotional as he turned himself into a real storyteller and—with this book—a real author as well. These are deeply relatable, totally engaging stories. They're as moving and amusing as they come.”